At the same time another tab would open the 24-7 Soccer forum where we sometimes join the discussion especially in the Barça fans forum. Here we will get more news and updates and opinions from all over the world. Every Monday BorakBola would also open the J-League site to see how our other favourite team, Yokohama F Marinos fare over the weekend. For a light-hearted perspective, we would go to MOIST, a blog written by an expat Marinos fan based in Yokohama.
And yet we didn't forget about the local team that we support. A former staff once told BorakBola about a website for Selangor FC made by a true fan 2 years ago. The guy who did the site is his friend and we met him once at Shah Alam. Now that we don't go to the stadium as often as before to watch the M-Leagues games, we follow up with the results by going to the website. It's a well maintained site and very up to date.
Now with the Asian Cup around the corner, we are constantly browsing the AFC website. And from there we would jump into the regional team's FA site. For us the Indonesian FA site is well made and very informative, telling the curious fan all the updates and happenings right down to their fans activities and shirt sponsors details. We rank this site as one of the best in the region followed closely by the Singapore FA site. We are unsure that the Thai FA has an official site yet.
Which brings us to FAM's site. For us, frankly, it is SAD, SAD website. It is outdated. The designs are lame. The lay-out poor and so pre-millenium. This is the stuff that kids at secondary schools would do for their class website design project. Poor menu, terrible flash animation. You first reach some welcoming page with some techno music comes out and the FA couldn't be bothered to at least respect Pasukan Kebangsaan's new sponsor by updating the team and players pictures inside. And the information are slow to come by too and you cannot access the archives.

We wonder, if a young fan was trying to do some research or find out more about the past heroes and past players that contributed to the national team, there are NOTHING in there that will tell him or her that. You click on 'History' and instead you find out how FAM was started and who leads it. At least promote the current team. Who's in it? Who plays in what position and wears what number? Who were our famous players? Who were in the Moscow Olympic Team that didn't get to go? With ALL the money and funding that the government injects to FAM at least the people at FAM can check out the various FA sites around the world and learn!
No need to go far, look at Indonesia and Singapore. We are not asking the world here but make the investment count and not waste the taxpayer's money. No need to go on learning visit overseas. We am sure there are many talented local web designers who would be able to re-do the FAM site at a good price. Or why don't FAM call up the Selangor FC website guy?
We guess as long as the old farts in Wisma FAM remain festering in their position not doing anything but destroying the image of the national team and the game the way they have been doing for the last 20 years - you can't expect much.
Now that MSN has given more money to FAM, wonder if the leftovers that can't fit into their pockets can be done to change the website, for starters?
Nothing wrong in hoping. As we will never stop hoping for the Pasukan Kebangsaan!
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